Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Spiderman Potion Kit

Ok, I just have to share the photos of Cole's Spiderman bath he took Christmas morning. This silly little bubble bath kit came with beakers of bath beads and goggles kind of like a science set. He was in the tub mixing up potions until he had raisin fingers and toes.

Isn't this picture hilarious!?


Carin said...

What a blast! He is so big! Glad you had a good Christmas.

Kristi said...

Look at your little Mad Scientist! He is adorable. That actually looks very fun. Lily got some of that shapeable bath foam from B&BW in her stocking, and she has been loving that.

Jenson Family said...

He's so funny! Love the crooked goggles in the first shot!

The Frosts said...

Best.Pictures.Ever. The goggles picture is a hoot! What a fun kit! C would love something like that!

andrea said...

LOL...so funny. My boys would go nuts for that. Like probably never leave the bath tub nuts. I need to find it.