Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Creepy Crawly Craft

Aaaackkk!!! Spiders have invaded our home! Well, not real spiders but we think that these are pretty darn creepy. Yesterday the boys and I had fun creating these spider web decorations and hanging them on the doors throughout our home.


KJenx said...

I hate spiders so all of our halloween stuff is void of them but yours sure look---ok---as far as spider decorations go! :> :> :>

Kristi said...

very cute! I'll have to show Lily, she would be all over this idea!

Jan Russell said...

You are so much fun! I literally did scream when I saw one of Harrison's lego spiders on the floor the other day - so I think I might be too phobic for this one - lol.

Hilary said...

what a cute craft!!! I've never seen that before. Darling.

Carin said...

Oh man I hate spiders!!

The Frosts said...

I love it! What is the web part, is it string?

andrea said...

what a cute idea! I think we'll be doing this one on Monday night!

Dave and Gretchen said...

Really cute, Martha!

Kara said...

So, so cute and crafty. I love it!