Friday, April 11, 2008

What's His Name?

The other day the boys and I were at Target and we stopped off in the snack bar for Icees and a diet coke for me. Cole was talking to Carson and all of a sudden the lady ringing us up stopped dead in her tracks and just stared at me with the strangest expression on her face. I'm thinking to myself, "What did I do"? Then she hesitates a bit before asking me what the baby's name is. I say "Carson" and she lets out a huge sigh of relief and says "I thought you guys were calling him Tarzan"! LOL! Maybe if I was a big Hollywood star I could get away with naming my child Tarzan but here in the real world I'll stick to a little bit more conventional name choices.


Kristi said...

Oh my! That is so funny. Can you even imagine? It does sounds like something a celebrity would name their child. lol!

Jan Russell said...

I wonder what she was planning to say if his name really was Tarzan! Lucky for everyone he has a way cuter and socially acceptable name then that ;-)

Jenson Family said...

NO WAY! That is hilarious! Tarzan! Yeah - c'mon!

Cammie said...

I laughed so so so hard at this post. When I was pregnant with Carter, Cali was obsessed with the Disney movie Tarzan. She told several people that I had a baby Tarzand in my tummy. It became a huge joke in our family. Even after he was born she used to ask me to fix his hair to make him look lik Tarzand. So funny! Good think we didn't really name either of our kids Tarzan...phewww.