Thursday, July 26, 2007


A big thank you to my very talented friend Amy for designing my adorable new blog banner and another big thank you to my smart friend Helena who "installed" it for me.

The directions on how to do this are here:
Blog Banner How-To
But I was not able to wrap my brain around it so these girls came to my rescue.


andrea said...

NiCoLE!!! Hi! OMG...this is fun! Your boys are toto lasange adorable...and hello? Nothing is better than 2 little boys back to back ;0) Your blog is so cute...and THANK YOU for the header instructions. Not that I will understand one word of them...but Kara will, LOL

now if I could only get Terry to buy into the blog business...

Helena said...

You're welcome! :)

Jan Russell said...

Are any of these technically saavy friends familiar with TypePad - lol. Your new banner is positively adorable and I'm thinking Harrison and Cole could be fast friends - love those cute, funny shots of your boys!

Jenson Family said...

Ok - so now are you going to help me???? Gosh! I've gotta keep up with you!

Kara said...

What a cute banner! I love it!