I just assumed Cole would love it and it would be smooth sailing. He was so excited and has been talking about being in Kindergarten forever. He couldn't wait to buy his uniforms and be an "older kid". But then the first day of school happened and they told the students there was going to be a fire drill during the first week and Cole was horrified. All week I took my sweet, sobbing, petrified child to school, told him things would be ok and then had to leave him there. It was gut wrenching! I would get out to the car and just bawl, I had never felt so helpless. But when I picked him up everyday he would be smiling which was a good sign that things went well. On top of his fire drill anxieties the whole new routine of Kindergarten didn't sit well with him. He has been so used to just waking up and watching cartoons, playing toys and leisurely eating his breakfast, that all changed. At school there were more rules than pre-school so that was a bummer, the school work is harder and there is homework. But he likes his friends and teachers so that is good. And they never did have that darn fire drill, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
It was nice knowing that a 3 day weekend was on the horizon so we could all recuperate from this stressful week. I'm hoping that after a couple of weeks the routine will become the norm and the anxieties will subside and that Kindergarten will shape up to be a good thing for Cole.