Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Last Day of School

The last day of Kindergarten has come and gone. This year has been full of ups and downs but mostly ups. Cole has come so far this year, he is so much more independent and confidant and man, can that kid read! Wow! We are so grateful to a wonderful and patient teacher who welcomed a late-comer into her class and made him feel special. We love Mrs. Cohen! On the last day of school Cole took some yummy cupcakes to share for his birthday (June 11th), they signed yearbooks and received their diplomas.

Cole humored me with a picture during yearbook signing:

Cupcake time! Cole was thrilled to be the birthday boy for the day:

Receiving his hard earned diploma and still hanging on the yearbook:

Look out 1st Grade! Here comes Cole!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

So glad his Kindergarten experience turned into a good thing! What a great choice you made to switch schools. :) I'm impressed that he is reading already! Awesome!