Saturday, September 18, 2010

My First 5K

A couple months back my little sister asked me if I wanted to start training to run a half marathon with her. It's one of those things on my bucket list so I agreed to it. Well, we decided we needed some motivation so last weekend on 9/11 we ran the Candlelighters 5K. I had no idea what to expect. I didn't expect that I would totally get sucked into it and love every moment but I did! I loved the hype, and the crowds of runners, I loved the competition and I loved the feeling of crossing the finish line! I had a runner's high all weekend long! I will definitely be doing another race soon!

The start and finish line:
Me and Snuff:
Where's Waldo? Can you find me?
Crossing the finish! Woohoo!

Official time 30:58, not bad for an old lady and her first race, haha!


Cammie said...

I am so proud of you right now. I teared up a little!

p.s. I totally found you and your sis in the waldo photo!

Unknown said...

Hey - where did you get those pics in the crowd? I didn't know they existed!

April said...

So very fabulous Nicole!
You should come to Moab to do the Winter Sun 10k in December. It'll be my first race. :p

Dave and Gretchen said...

That's my smokin' hot sissies!! Proud of you girls!! My time would be like 30 days I think. I found Waldo...only 'cause Steph was wearing bright colors and cheesing it up. Very cool!

Dave and Gretchen said...

Oh yeah...and don't forget the St. George marathon. I'll come cheer for you!

Anonymous said...

You are the first in the family to attempt such a feat!!!! Way to Go!!!
Were you're boys there to cheer you on?


Anonymous said...

You are the first in the family to attempt such a feat!!!! Way to Go!!!
Were you're boys there to cheer you on?


Kristi said...

Awesome, girl! You have always looked about 10 years younger than you are. hmpf. ;)

Lana said...

Not bad at all!!! And to think that your 2nd race was Ragnar! Hello! You'll have to post that next ;)